MARS-Global biostatistical applications offer a range of benefits that can significantly improve the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of research studies.

Sample Size Calculator:

Sample size calculator application offers a range of benefits that can significantly improve the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of research studies. By ensuring that the appropriate sample size is used, researchers can be confident that their results are representative of the population they are studying, leading to better-informed decisions and outcomes.

Sample Size Calculator Main Benefits

Improved Accuracy:  It can help improve the accuracy of your study results. By calculating the appropriate sample size, you can ensure that your  study is large enough to produce statistically significant results. 

Easy to Use: 

Typically user-friendly and easy to use, even for those with limited statistical knowledge. This makes it accessible to a wide range of researchers, allowing them to use the tool to improve the quality and reliability of their research findings.

Increased Reliability:

Increase the reliability of research findings by reducing the likelihood of errors and biases. By ensuring that the sample size is appropriate, researchers can be confident that their results are representative of the population they are studying.

Time and Cost Savings:

It can save time and money. By calculating the appropriate sample size, researchers can avoid oversampling, which can be expensive and time-consuming. This can also help to reduce the time and resources needed to complete a study or experiment.

Who This is For ?

clinical researchers

medical industry professionals

scientific academic staff

simple and easy.

See How Easily You Can calculate your sample size

Welcome to the MARS-Global proportion sample size calculator! This app is designed for clinical researchers who are interested in calculating the sample size required for a study involving proportions.

To use the app, simply input the:

  • Expected proportion (π) and
  • Alternative proportion (π') for the outcome of interest,
  • As well as the desired significance level (α) and
  • Power (1-β) for the study.
  • Click the "Calculate Sample Size" button to see the required sample size for the study, and a plot illustrating the relationship between sample size, effect size, and power.
  • If you use the MARS-Global proportion sample size calculator app in your publication, you can cite it as follows:

MARS-Global. (2023). MARS-Global proportion sample size calculator [R studio v 4.0.0]. Retrieved from

Descriptive statistics application:

Descriptive statistics application is an essential tool for analyzing and summarizing data. It allows for the quick and easy summarization of large data sets, provides a clear representation of data through visualization, detects outliers, compares data sets, and makes inferences about populations. By utilizing descriptive statistics, researchers and decision-makers can make more informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from data

Descriptive Statistics Application Main Benefits:

Summarizing Data: 
Allows for the quick and easy summarization of data. This helps in understanding the key features of a data set such as the central tendency, variability, and distribution of the data. 

Visualizing Data:

Allows for the visualization of data through the use of graphs and charts. This provides a clear and concise representation of the data and can help in identifying patterns, trends, and outliers

Comparing Data Sets:

It can be used to compare data sets and identify differences between them. By using descriptive statistics application, researchers can determine whether the differences observed are statistically significant.

Detecting Outliers:

Descriptive statistics application can help in detecting outliers by identifying extreme values that fall outside the normal range. This can be particularly useful in identifying errors in data collection or in identifying unusual events that may be of interest

simple and easy.

See How Easily You Can use Descriptive Statistics application 

Descriptive Statistics application provides an easy-to-use interface for users to upload their data and obtain useful descriptive statistics for numerical and categorical variables. With this app, you can easily analyze and understand your data, and make informed decisions based on your findings.

To use the app, simply input the:

1-Uploading Data:

  • Click on the "Choose CSV File" button in the sidebar panel. 
  • Select the CSV file you want to analyze.
  • The app will display the data in the numerical and categorical tabs

2-Viewing Descriptive Statistics:

  • Click on the "Numerical" or "Categorical" tab to view the respective table.
  • The table will display descriptive statistics for the numerical or categorical variables in the uploaded data file.

3-Copying Table Data to Clipboard:

  • Click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the numerical or categorical tab.
  • The data in the table will be copied to your clipboard or downloaded as text file.

To cite the MARS-GLOBAL: Descriptive Statistics app in publications, you can use the following format: 

MARS-Global. (2023). MARS-Global Descriptive statistics app [R studio v 4.0.0]. Retrieved from

Simple and Easy.

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